Dietitian’s Five Tips for Healthy Eating 

School lunches, homework, weekday dinners, extracurricular activities, after school snacks… they all collide in a dizzying way during the busy month of September. After lazy summer days of BBQs, berry picking and no meal schedules, it feels like a bit of a wake up call!  How to juggle full fall schedules with healthy eating? We reached out to a local dietitian and asked exactly that question. She shared practical tips and advice for meal planning and lunchtime solutions.


Teacher Approved Strategies for Fall Success

Back-to-school can be tough for some kids and families. These challenges have inspired the “Kid Approved September Survival Guide”, with a round up of expert advice, strategies for coping with all the change and suggestions for family time and total reconnection. Our first guest expert in the series is educator and doctoral student Megan Zeni. Megan is a teacher, a mother of three, co-creator of Room to Play and founder of the Classroom Gardener.